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NEWS: Expanding Board at the Stevens Square Foundation

The Stevens Square Foundation (SSF), whose multifaceted mission nurtures community-based programs  and addresses the complex needs of diverse elders in Minneapolis, has expanded its board with five new faces: Anne Johnson, Jonathan Lips, Jennifer Lundblad, Rajean Moone, and Jane Newman.

“Our Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated group of community leaders committed to helping older adults with the greatest social and economic needs to remain at home and in community in the Twin Cities metro area,” said Barbie Levine, SSF’s President of the Board. “We are excited to utilize the collective talent, expertise, and leadership of these new members.”

Anne Johnson has had a career in medical illustration, healthcare communication, and fine arts for over 30 years. She is an active member of The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (NSCDA), Friends of the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia), the Wayzata Garden Club, and the Study Club for Women. She is also a registered volunteer at Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners (IOCP).

Jonathan Lips serves as the Vice President of Legal Affairs for LeadingAge, a national association of nonprofit aging services providers and other mission-driven organizations serving older adults. A lawyer by training, he has had a long career in aging services primarily in the public policy and advocacy arenas, and also in advising older adults and their families directly on elder law issues.

Jennifer Lundblad is President & CEO of Stratis Health, a nonprofit organization based in Bloomington, MN, that leads collaboration and innovation in health care quality and patient safety. She has an extensive background in leadership, organization development, and program management in both nonprofit and education settings, and serves on a number of boards, including the MN Alliance for Patient Safety and Superior Health Quality Alliance.

Rajean Moone is the UMN Faculty Director for Long-Term Care Administration and Associate Director for Policy in the Center for Healthy Aging & Innovation. With over two decades of experience in aging services, Dr. Moone works to eliminate ageism, support emerging leaders, and promote age-inclusivity across the state. He serves on a number of boards and appointments including the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council and was named one of ten national Influencers in Aging by Next Avenue in 2022.

Jane Newman is a Physical Therapist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital with a geriatric certification. She is passionate about equal access to programs to ensure safety and security for all. Ms. Newman is a strong advocate for housing and is an active volunteer builder for the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and has been involved in advocacy for affordable housing with JCA (Jewish Community Action).

SSF’s grants support organizations that serve financially vulnerable older adults in the Twin Cities metro area so that they can age at home and in their communities with dignity and independence. Since 2006, the Foundation has awarded $8.5 million in grants.

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