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REVIEW: Park Square Kills It In Murder for Two

Park Square Theatre’s production of Murder for Two, which opened this evening, is a charming murder mystery musical comedy in the pantomime tradition. If you want more alliteration, it’s a funny fancy farce of fickleness and fanciful fare. The set is minimal, but the variety of charaters played by Andrea Wollenberg is legion and the investigation by Nic Delcambre’s Marcus Moscowicz is an entertaining way to spend the evening. Highbrow this is not, but it’s a pleasant chaser for dinner. Wollenberg and Delcambre’s singing voices are pleasant to listen to and the delivery agreeable.

As a showcase of what the still-new Andy Boss Thrust Stage can handle, Murder for Two shows both the strengths and the limitations. With action moving around the set so much (a feature of Randy Reyes’ excellent direction), it’s hard to not notice if you’re sitting behind one of the basement theatre’s support pillars. Theatregoers take note: If you do that once and aren’t happy, pick seats that are farther forward next time.

Basil Considine