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FRINGE FILE #5: Reviews, Pt. 2

Daddy Issues (Pretend Productions)

A well-told bio-play, delivered in riveting form, by the skilled Allison Vincent. A moving exploration of family relationships, memory, and decline.

Gasthaus (Trompe l’Oeil)

An interesting Cold War era history piece at the dividing line border of East and West Germany that goes through the gasthaus itself. This of course complicates the star-crossed lovers’ story between the West and East German couple. Despite some clunky scene changes (it is Fringe, check some expectations), an over-all solid show that is well-performed.

A First-Class Comedic Revue… Featuring the Reanimated Corpse of a Wright Brother (An Alleged Theatre Company)

A goofy concept whose results are not for everyone. Performed with valiant energy; if you’re debating whether or not to take a chance, go by a trusted friend’s recommendations, because this show is very subjective in its impact.

They Still Make Film For That? (Dark Roast Arts)

A non-traditional show, this is not a really play, rather more of an introduction to Photography 101 – a classroom experience – reminiscent of the Chautauqua movement in the United States that peaked in popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is not to its discredit: this show is very interesting and a taste of the something new and different that Fringe can bring to audiences.

Twin Cities Arts Reader
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