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NEWS: King Arthur Invading Chanhassen Dinner Theatres

Keith Rice as King Arthur. Photo by Bernadette Pollard.

Off in the western suburbs, the cast and crew of Chanhassen Dinner Theatres’ Beauty and the Beast are prepping for another run of “Be Our Guest,” “If I Can’t Love Her,” and other hits. Before the main dinner course is done, the kitchen is already working on dessert; similarly, before the mainstage show finishes its run, the next show must be ready. Today, six weeks before the critically praised Beauty and the Beast comes to its close, CDT has announced the next show in the awning: the classic musical Camelot.

Camelot will open in Chanhassen on Friday, October 7th, following one week of previews. The cast includes Keith Rice (Arthur), Helen Anker (Guenevere), Aleks Knezevich (Lancelot), David Anthony Brinkley (Merlyn, Pellinore), Tony Vierling (Mordred), Renee Guittar (Nimue), and 18 other actors.

Camelot is currently scheduled to run through Saturday, February 25, 2017.

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