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Fringe File #8: 30-Second Reviews, Round 2

Betsie Feldkamp as Eurydice and Sara Fanucchi as Orpheus in Garden of Song Opera’s production of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Fringe is upon us! Word of mouth is picking up as almost every show has opened; here are the shows that have sold out at least one performance, in no particular order:

Here are some of our staff’s thoughts about shows that they saw on Day 3:

I (Heart) Brains: An Original Musical

There’s something odious here and it’s not the cast. Inconsistent; prior drinking recommended.

Kicking It Irish

If Riverdance excites you, the first thing you want to know that many of the performers studied with an original cast member of Riverdance who happens to teach at a certain school in St. Paul. It really shows – this is a slick production with a massive cast of about two dozen dancers, six singer-instrumentalists, and a few dancers moonlighting as instrumentalists as well. High-octane fun.

Orpheus and Eurydice

One of the most-performed operas of the 18th-century, done in English in an intimate venue. A sweet taste of something different.

SmashHammer: The Heavy Metal Musical Featuring the Heavy Metal Stylings of the Heavy Metal Band, SmashHammer

Long title, fast-paced show. The title tells you most of what you will get, which is pretty glorious if that’s your thing. An enthusiastic mention at Fringe Central.

What I Thought I Saw: Random Acts of Blindness

An unexpected gem of an autobiographical show, presented with a wry humor and deft sense of stagecraft. Go early – Strike Theater is located inside a maze.

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